Monday, June 27, 2011

there's a good moose and a dead moose...

So here is a quick update since we only have a few minutes and you have all been begging for a new blog! lol

We left Athens on the 12th and stopped at Thermopylai on our way to Delphi, where we picked up a new hobby...the greek version of monopoly which is islandoply! so much better than the real monopoly especially when you cant read any of the greek cards- maybe you will be able to experience it yourself someday since me and jess are trying to find our own islandopoly game! Delphi is a mountain town with about two streets but it was gorgeous! it is also apparently a greek ski town... some people in our group raced on the ancient practice track at delphi on our first day and we got yelled at by a guard in greek for like 15 minutes before we were able to sweet talk our way out of it! we were supposed to hike mt.parnassis but our hike got rained out but we did manage to spend a very cold hour or so in a cave at the top! what a way to have a picnic! we also went to hosias loukas, a monastary which was really pretty! too bad we got rained out there must have had to do with running on the ancient track- luck just wasnt with us!

then we went to olympia and saw where they held the original olympic games- very different from todays! we spent two days there and then spent a night in kalamata, where kalamata olives come from! it was a pretty cool city on the beach but we didnt spend too much time there... then we went to karytania and sparta and nafplion and we got to crete by ferry at 5:30am today!!! hiking samarian gorge tomorrow and then we will try to update again!

love you!

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